Do you wish you could reduce the amount of paperwork involved in your claims processing and allow employees direct access to their claims status and account balances?
We provide claims administration services for Flexible Spending, HRA, Dental, Vision, and Transportation benefits as well as Short-Term Disability on an ASO basis.
Using the Power of the Internet, Northeast Benefits Management, LLC, (NBM), provides its clients’ employees unlimited secure access to enroll online, make changes, view account balances, and receive reimbursements for qualifying expenses. Employee satisfaction and participation increases as NBM provides employees with real-time account information and activity updates.
Some service providers will only interact with customers over the web, an approach that we believe is doomed from the start. At NBM, we know that real people need fast answers to real questions. Much of the time plan participants can be served best over the web, but on certain occasions, plan participants need to talk to a real live person over the phone. That is why included in our pricing for processing claims we incorporate personalized service to answer questions that only another human can.
Anyone can build a website portal. But a service model that combines the web with human interaction is exceptionally hard to duplicate. We believe it is this powerful synthesis of high-tech and high-touch that has led to superior client satisfaction.
Our website portal provides your employees the detailed benefit information they need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and allows them to increase understanding and appreciation of their total employment package. Employees and their families are empowered to learn about their benefits.
The portal is convenient, approachable, cost-effective, promotes independence, keeps the employee informed and in touch while utilizing the latest technology. Also, included with this service are mobile apps for iPhone and Android. See our Resources Page for additional information.